Installing Hardware Inspector Server and Hardware Inspector Client
Installing and Setting Hardware Inspector Client/Server
The solution architecture has been designed to be easily
deployable and independent from outer products. It resulted in
Hardware Inspector project which works on any Windows starting with
Windows 98. The client-server connection requires only TCP/IP
protocol. The ingenious inside solution provides high speed and
reliability even via slow connections and does not require expensive
SQL servers.
To learn the program features install the server and client
applications on one computer. The program default settings are set
for working on the same machine for demo purposes.
To deploy the solution in your organization follow these steps.
- Step 1. Installing Hardware Inspector Server.
- Step 2. Setting up Hardware Inspector Server.
- Step 3. Installing Hardware Inspector Client.
- Step 4. Connecting to the server.
Step 1. Installing Hardware Inspector Server
Unzip the setup archive on the file server where the database
be located. The archive contains hwiXX_server.exe and
hwiXX_client.exe (where XX is the version number). Launch
hwiXX_server.exe and install it on the server. It is important that
the both files are in the same folder when the server application is
Step 2. Setting up the server application
- Launch the server application and open the "Settings" tab.
- Define the path to the database (
create the database with
the help of Database manager)
To learn the program features do not change the path to
database and work with the demo database.
- Define the IP address of the network interface.
- Change the port number if necessary.
- Define the server code. The code is an additional security
measure which can be a random sequence of numerals and Latin letters.
- Enter the registration key in the "Licenses" tab if you
bought the license. If you do not enter key the server will work in
demo mode.
- When hwiserver.exe starts to connect to the network the
firewall will most certainly request permission for the application.
Create a rule which allows the server to connect to the network. If the
request is made by Windows Defender click "Unblock".
- Hardware Inspector Server can be started with the server
as service. If necessary, enable Hardware Inspector Server autostart
feature in the list of services.
Step 3. Installing Hardware Inspector Client
Launch hwiXX_client.exe on computers of users who will work with the database.
A newer version can be automatically loaded when a client application connects to the server.
Step 4. Connecting to the server
- Enter the IP address, port number and server code which were defined in step 2 and click OK.
- Log in to the database: select a user and enter the password. (A new database has only the "administrator" user with an empty password).
- When hwiclient.exe starts to connect to the network the firewall will most certainly request permission for the application.
Create a rule which allows the client to connect to the network.
If the request is made by Windows Defender click "Unblock".
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