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Request Management with Hardware Inspector Service Desk
Hardware Inspector Service Desk is a web-oriented application that works under IIS+ASP.NET. It is an addition to Hardware Inspector or Hardware Inspector Client/Server.
It is designed to provide end users an interface to work with requests they submit to the IT department.
Hardware Inspector Service Desk can be used by both end users and supporters. Though the latter might be more interested in the Service Desk built-in Hardware Inspector and Hardware Inspector Client/Server, because it has more features.

Key Features:
- Single infrastructure with Hardware Inspector and Hardware Inspector Client/Server.
- Effective request management.
- User - supporter correspondence within a request.
- Attaching files to requests.
- Defining request urgency and deadline.
- Request rating to evaluate IT department work.
- Delegating responsiblities for request processing.
- Several options to register requests.
- Categorizing requests by types.
- User self registration.
- Request progress management.
- Notifications about changes in requests by e-mail.
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